- A valid permit and plans must be on-site R106.3.1
- All work must be done in a neat, workmanlike manner CEC 110.12
- Service size:
- ≤ 200 amps and R3 single-family homes are permitted to use express permitting. All others must apply for a standard permit and provide load calcs.
- Minimum service:
- Single-family_____100-amp
- Multi-family______60-amp
- Attached ADU____100-amp
- Detached ADU____100-amp
- Jr ADU___________no requirements (separate service not allowed)
- Conduit:
- Rigid ≥ 1.25” and threaded CEC 230.50
- Only customers of SFH may use aluminum SE conductors. All others must be copper.
- No LB or gutter between the panel and weather-head
- Double strap on conduit at the corner
- Clamp riser within 3′ of the service panel
- Conductor ≥ 24” proud of the weather-head
- The point of attachment may be on the building or periscope < 18″ from the roofline and must be 12′-18′ above grade
- Weather-head:
- ≥ 8“ beyond the edge of the roof
- ≤ 24″ from the svc attachment point
- 18″-48″ above the roof
- > 30″ above the roof requires bracing – bracing shall be 2 galvanized braces (3/4″ rigid or 1-1/4″ x 1-1/4″ x 1/8″ steel angle iron) secured to framing with 3/8″ x 3″ lag screws with a 90-degree spread and secured to the periscope ≤ 6″ below the point of attachment
- Drip loop CEC 230.54.F
Service Overhead Clearances CEC 230.24
- ≥ 8’ above roofs < 4:12 pitch
- ≥ 3’ above roofs ≥ 4:12 pitch
- ≥ 18” at eaves
- ≥ 18’ above nonresidential driveways
- ≥ 10’ above walkways
- ≥ 12’ above driveways
- ≥ 18’ above roadways
- ≥ 3’ from windows or other openings
Ampacity Chart CEC 310.16
Amp Gauge Copp/Alum AWG or kcmil
15 _____#14
20 _____#12
30_____ #10
60_____ #6
100____ #4 – 2
110 _____#3 – 1
125 _____#2 – 1/0
150 _____#1 – 2/0
175_____ 1/0 – 3/0
200 _____2/0 – 4/0
225 _____3/0 – 250
250_____ 4/0 – 300
300 _____250 – 350
350 _____350 – 500
400 _____400 – 600
- Surge Protection: shall be an integral part of the svc equipment. Exception: if located at each next level distribution equipment downstream.
- Panel ≥ 10” from the corner to the edge of the meter
- Power in the top of the meter and out the bottom
- The service panel must be on the AMP-approved list and EUSERC compliant (Electrical Utility Service Equipment Requirements Committee)
- The side of the panel to the gas riser must be ≥ 3’ clear
- Max Breaker height ≤ 6’7” CEC 404.8
- The panel must be labeled CEC 110.22.A
- Secure conductors entering the panel CEC 312.5.C
- No double lugging on neutral conductors
- Arc-Flash hazard: warning label required on service gear ≥ 1,200 amps, other than dwelling units CEC 110.16.B
- Knockouts must be filled CEC 110.12.A
- Working clearances: CEC 110.26
- Meter ≥ 3’ from the property line
- No gate between the street and the meter
- Conduits below grade: requires duct seal at 1, or both ends CEC 300.5.G
- Meter height:
- 48-66”
- 72-75” (near driveway)
- GFCI: Ground fault protection of equipment shall be provided for solidly grounded wye electrical services of > 150 volts to ground but not exceeding 1000 volts phase-to-phase for each service disconnect rated 1,000 amps or > CEC 230.95
- What does this mean? 1,000 amps and 277/480 and above require it. 120/240 or 208 are exempt
- #4 UFER (20’) or 8’ x 5/8” rod with #4 copper CEC 250.52.A.3.2
- GEC – protected CEC 250.64.B
- Rod as close as practicable to the service CEC 250.52.A.5
- #6 copper bond at metallic piping systems CEC 250.104
- #6 copper cold water bond outside & accessible
- Intersystem bonding termination CEC 250.94.A