Manufacturer’s instructions must be left with the unit CRC R106.2
Design, construction, and workmanship shall comply with accepted engineering practices and shall be of such character as to secure the results sought to be obtained by this code. CMC 309
Combustion Air/Venting (BTU/20 or 50cu ft/1,000 Btu/h)CMC 701
Direct Vent: all air for combustion must be derived from outdoors CMC definitions
Where the vent connector used for an appliance having a draft hood or a Category 1 appliance is located in or passes through an unconditioned area, attic, or crawl space, that portion of the vent connector shall be listed Type B, Type L CMC 802.10.1.1
Combustion air: (upper and lower – commence within 12” top and bottom – horizontal ducting + 2X size) CMC 701.4
PVC vent: must have contrasting colored primer – 2% slope back to unit – length, and # of fittings per MI and CMC 802.4.2
Combustion air from the attic: no screen on the vertical opening CMC 701.11(5)
Louvers: metal minus 25% wood 75% – motorized = interlock – (25 sq in/0.75) CMC 701.10
Clearance: 1” to combustibles per listing – Single wall 6” CMC 802.7.3.4
One offset ≤ 60° from vertical. Total horizontal offset = 75% of the total height. CMC 802.6.3.2
Connector: 1:1 ratio vertical to horizontal. No dips or sags. CMC 802.10.7.2
Vent Connector: Max Horizontal Length CMC 803.2.1 18″ in length per inch in diameter Diameter Max Length 3″—————-4.5′ 4″—————-6′ 5″—————-7.5′ 6″—————-9′ 7″—————-10.5′ 8″—————-12′
Manufacturer’s instructions left with the unit CPC 507.24
New furnace in CS/Basement with < 2 x 10 joists = Sheetrock on the underside of the crawl space floor joists for the room footprint above the furnace only per the BO. CRC 302.13.
6” clearance below the hanging unit
This now includes all electrical and gas appliances
Sheetrock must be water-resistant or painted per the BO
Like-for-like replacements are exempt – this means the same type of device in the same location
24” wide walking path in the attic. Length of the passage: < 6’ in height 20’ max length CMC 304.4.1