Per plan or below
Attic R-30 / Walls R-13 / Underfloor R-19
- Styrofoam: R-5/in
- Urethane: R-7.2/in
- Installation orientation: Faced batts must have facing toward the conditioned area
- Securing: secure insulation if not held in place by finishes
- Check cripple walls and cathedral walls
- All exposed insulation must have a flame spread rating of ≤ 25 and
smoke-developed index ≤ 450 - Seal annular spaces
- Insulation in contact with K&T: letter from licensed electrician certifying it is safe for insulation contract. Sign posted in English and Spanish at attic entrance stating concealed K&T present
Domestic Water Pipe Insulation CEC 150.J.2
- Insulate all hot water lines CPC 609.12
- Insulate hot and cold water lines first the 5’ from a water heater (tanked), and the first 8″ for commercial CEC 150.J.2
- Insulate all hot water recirculation lines regardless of size CPC 609.12
- Insulate all hot water lines underground regardless of size CPC 609.12