
Time Off Notification

  • Open up “New Meeting”
  • Recipient: Comdev
  • Subj: “Joe Inspector off at 3:00 Comp Time”
  • Location: blank
  • Choose Start/End time
  • Select “All Day Event”
  • Show Time as “Free”
  • Reminder: None

Working Hours

  • Mon-Fri: 7:00-7:00
  • Sat: 8:00-5:00
  • Sun: No work (homeowner exempt)

Gate Codes

  • Centre Court: #3034  #7627  1981 #5959
  • Brittany Drive: #4245
  • Brittany Landing: #1526
  • 430/450 Buena Vista #9876
  • Oak Shade Drive: #1526
  • Crown Drive: #7617 – #1776
  • Casa Blanca: #272
  • Crown Harbor: #4394  #5555
  • 325 Kitty Hawk #1492
  • 1001 Southshore 121245
  • Sila (Mariners Square Loop) 9450#
  • Peets coffee bathroom 5050*

Recalling Inspectors Phone Messages

  1. Press: Voicemail Button – Do not enter your password
  2. Press: Star Button
  3. Enter the extension number (plus the # key) of the inspector that you wish to check the phone messages of 
  4. Enter your password and the # key
  5. Retrieve messages


Needs connection and meter set

Contact: XXX

Billing: XXX

Inspector: Eric Shimp 510.747.6839

Approved: corrections completed

Provide contrasting primer at PVC glue joints

Informed contractor of Green Halo and Private Sewer Lateral requirements

Schluter one piece shower pan and wet wall shower system

approved: visualized grounding from a distance. it is unsafe to walk in front of operating microwave antennas

sheetrock inspection not required. small patches consisting of less than 1 sheet and not part of a fire rated assembly

see CB20-XXXX for inspections and results

provide inter-system bonding termination

special inspection documents and field reports received, scanned and placed in documents

Denied: contractor not on site. Called and left voicemail to reschedule

Provide ½ sheetrock at floor joists above the furnace covering the footprint of the room/s above

CEC 110.12 “electrical equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner” 

denied: provide screws 8″ on center per manufactures instructions

all switches must be vacancy sensors or dimmers (exceptions: closes < 70 sq ft & hallways)

provide all required vacancy sensors (laundry, garage, storage area & bathroom)

Gas Line BTU —> CF/HR

30,000 = 27

35,000 = 32

40,000 = 36

45,000 = 41

50,000 = 45

55,000 = 50

60,000 = 55

65,000 = 59

70,000 – 64

75,000 = 68

80,000 = 73

85,000 = 77

90,000 = 82

95,000 = 86

100,000 = 91

105,000 = 95

110,000 = 100

115,000 = 105

120,000 = 109

125,000 – 114

130,000 = 118

135,000 = 123

140,000 = 127

145,000 = 132

150,000 = 136

155,000 = 141

160,000 = 145

165,000 = 150

170,000 = 155

175,000 = 159

199,000 = 181